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Painting MAGIC Sound Stage Flats - Knowledgebase / Film & Animation - MAGIC Request & Support Center

Painting MAGIC Sound Stage Flats

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Tips and Information for Painting MAGIC Sound Stage Flats

You may paint the flats on the MAGIC sound stage for your productions. Before you begin, please note the important details and information below.


Flats must be returned back to their original color and fully dry before the end of your EMS studio reservation. Neglecting to return flats to their original state or failure to plan your time accordingly may result in up to 1 week docking.

What You’ll Need

To paint the studio flats, you’ll need to purchase the following supplies:

  1. A drop cloth, tarp, or something similar to protect from spillage/drips

  2. Blue painters tape

  3. Paint brushes

  4. Paint rollers & roller frame

  5. Paint roller tray & liners (for easy clean up)

  6. Paint roller extension pole

  7. Paint stir sticks

  8. Paint can opener or flathead screw driver

  9. Paper towels or cloth to keep your project tidy

  10. Paint color needed for your production

  11. Behr Slate Grey in flat finish to return flats to original state:

  12. CONSIDER: Behr Ultra Pure White in flat finish for window and door trim:

Painting the Flats

  1. Before you begin, confirm your reservation is long enough for you to:

    1. Prep and paint flats

    2. Allow flats to fully dry before building your set and production design

    3. Tear down your production

    4. Repaint flats Behr Slate Grey w/ trim touch ups

    5. Allow flats to fully dry and store correctly along the WEST wall or prop room

  2. Lay down drop cloth or tarp on studio floor

  3. Move flats needing to be painted onto drop cloth or tarp


Edges of the flats should not hang off the drop cloth or tarp. The purpose is to protect the studio floor from paint spillage. Flats must be laid down horizontally for painting and are not to be painted while leaning against the studio wall. Neglecting to take care in this process may result in docking up to 1 week.

  1. Use blue painters tape to protect white door and window trim

  2. Use your paint brush to cut around edges and any tight spaces you cannot reach with your roller

  3. Use your roller to evenly paint remainder of the flats

  4. Let fully dry - you may need to paint a second coat

  5. Remove painters tape from window trim and make your movie!

  6. Repeat steps to return flats to their original condition

    1. Remember all edges of the flats must be returned back to Behr Slate Grey as well

    2. Remember to touch up window and door trim


Please do not leave any painting supplies, empty paint cans, or additional mess behind. MAGIC does not accept paint donations of any color except Behr Slate Grey. If you wish to leave this behind, please coordinate with Amanda Hughes.

There is no slop sink available at the MAGIC sound stage. We recommended using a garbage bag to throw out any non-salvageable paint supplies such as used brushes and used rollers.

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